my body is a wonderland.
i am tall enough to reach all the things on high shelves, and i look amazing in shorts and dresses. my legs go on for miles and they make grown men swoon.
my fingers are long and i could play piano or guitar if i were so inclined.
my breasts are perfect. they incite, temp, amaze, stop people in their tracks. they are a perfect handful, pink and pretty. they are my favorite feature.
my ass is amazing. it is high and tight and so white it glows, which is exactly how i want it.
this entire package works together to carry this clusterfuck of a mind through the muck and the mire and it does it's job in keeping me happy and motivated and confident. my day is perfect when i can go outside looking beautiful, hair and makeup done, the right outfit done. it doesn't make me vain, it makes me smart for using what i have in order to be happy.
and truly, i couldn't be happier with the body that i have, and i feel sorry for those people who are slaves to the gym and to calories and who can't find love for the only vessel that they've got. this is all i've got. love it or leave it, it's not going anywhere.
haaaaayyy pretty lady ;)