"i don't look at myself in the mirror because i'm a narcissist,
i just like to watch myself exist."
sometimes i don't know what to do and i make a lot of mistakes. i'm too eager, i say awkward things that make people feel uncomfortable, i wear nightgowns as dresses and hope that no one notices. i'm poor but i'm full. i see beauty in everything, i want to join the circus. i pretend to understand music and have perfected the act of feigning interest in things that could potentially interest me, but are way too over my head. i don't own that many pairs of shoes, but i wish i did. sometimes i feel like a newborn horse, all knees and wobbly ankles, and sometimes i feel like a statue carved out of marble and unmovable. i like to quote books in conversation and wait for someone to call me out so that we can discuss my favorite authors and for once, i can look like i know what i'm doing. i pretend a lot. i talk to myself. i make plans and lists and then never go through with them. i have big dreams but empty pockets so i let myself be content just riding bikes. i get lost easily. sometimes i still confuse my right from my left. i'm a terrible driver and hate being reminded of the fact. all i need in life is someone to let me talk without guarding my words, which usually means saying a lot of stupid shit, but the right person will love my mouth despite all the weird crap i say, and that's what i'm looking for. i hate censorship. i dream about inspiring a nation of disillusioned youth. i have planned my first day in the classroom already. i know what i will say, and what i will wear, and in my head the students love me and see me as inspiring even after the first hour. i think very highly of myself some days, and others, i think i'm worthless. i love antique jewelry but never wear jewelry. most of my clothes i bought at a thrift store. sometimes, i steal things. i have an extremely overactive imagination. my favorite fruit is pineapple and i think it goes well with anything. mess stresses me out, but if your house is messy, i won't say anything, as it is none of my business. when i'm depressed, i reread angela's ashes, which usually makes me more depressed but happy at the same time. sometimes my chest hurts and i can't explain it. i'm somewhat of a hypochondriac. i don't eat a lot. i really love to read my poetry to people and get their honest opinions. if i ask you to hear what i've written, it means i trust you, and that is a Very Good Thing. i don't trust easily. i miss my cats more than i miss my parents. i feel like a child trapped in a body too big for me. i like holding hands and being kissed on the cheek.
i love really, really hard.
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